Frontend from a different Front

Frontend from a different Front


2 min read

If you look at all the successful people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos one common thing you will find is exposure to a vast number of ideas, and that is also one of the most essential key in the greatest achievements of all time, looking at the same thing but with a different perspective which you get by learning from diverse fields and ideas, that is somewhat my experience with Frontend Development as a marketer turned to an entrepreneur turning towards frontend Development, which gave me a different angle to look at engineering, to be finally getting to know what is actually happening behind a product, which is exciting and advantageous in its own way, cause I quickly get the ‘why’ of any new feature, changes in the app and how it will affect the customer and why its need arised at the fist place which results in more relevant code, which I feel should every developer should understand and as they say “why is more important than how”, which you are going to read more about in my other blog, on the other hand what I see from the technical side is that development is geting to know small particles and building blocks with them and finally making useful products from these blocks which usually the case for any kind of skill, moreover it has expanded my mind or as my brother says increased RAM of my brain, which makes it a very must skill to have in the age of technology. All I wanna say is that a developer should not only look at the problem from a narrowed technical view but should look from different fronts too.